ORIGINAL STORY (14 May/ 11:59 AM): It has been rumoured that the Grand Theft Auto V (GTA V) will be made available for free on Epic Games Store (EGS) this week. Well, we can confirm to you that the rumour is indeed true. This is based on a tweet that was posted by EGS just a few hours ago which has since been deleted. However, we still managed to screen capture it before that happened: The tweet and the short trailer have also confirmed that the free GTA V offer will indeed last until 21 May. Based on the timer that is shown at the EGS website, the game should be up for grabs at around 11:00 PM Malaysian time tonight.
With more than 120 million copies sold, GTA V is certainly one of the biggest titles that have joined EGS free games list. Hit games are not something that is foreign to the list though as EGS has also included games such as Watch Dogs, Assassin’s Creed Syndicate, and Batman: Arkham Collection before.