Like similar functions that are found in other platforms such as Telegram, WhatsApp and so on, this new feature lets you pin shared links to the top of your audio room – making it clearly visible for your audience to take notice. Clubhouse says that both the host and moderators have the ability to add, change or remove the link at any time. Pinned Links can be found in the “three dots” menu in the upper right corner of audio rooms. Speaking to The Verge, the platform‘s CEO Paul Davison noted that the feature will automatically reject certain URLs that would lead users to offensive content. Although it wasn’t explicitly stated which websites are banned, Davison did mention that links promoting pages on OnlyFans are blacklisted, as they may potentially contain pornographic material. Clubhouse says the new Pinned Link feature will be rolled out in an update that is slated to be released on 27 October 2021. The new addition will be available to all users on both iOS and Android versions of the app. (Source: Clubhouse [official blog] / The Verge)