According to the official statement released by the company yesterday, the malware managed to reach only “a small number of devices” although it didn’t provide any specific number in its statement. Interesting enough, ASUS also stated that the issue is limited to notebooks and doesn’t affect other types of devices.

The company further revealed that its customers service division has begun contacting customers that were affected by the security issue in order to rectify the situation. Simultaneously, the company has also provided a fix to the issue via the latest version (ver 3.6.8) of Live Update and improved the security of its backend system.

ASUS has also released a diagnostic tool for users to check whether their devices are hit by the malware or otherwise. Hence, do run the tool (download link) on your ASUS laptops; so that you will be able to have some peace of mind. (Source: ASUS.)

ASUS Addresses Live Update Malware Issue  Releases Diagnostic Tool - 11ASUS Addresses Live Update Malware Issue  Releases Diagnostic Tool - 42