iHelp BR also notes that there will be 44mm and 40mm versions for both of the new casing materials. That said, it’s not known as of now it this is the next generation smartwatch that we’re looking at, or just new versions of the current Apple Watch 4.

To be fair, the ceramic option isn’t actually entirely new. While it was not made officially available on our shores, the Apple Watch 2 and 3 did come in ceramic casings. The titanium casing, on the other hand, looks to a first for the company’s smartwatches. Either way, there’s still no indication as to when they will be officially announced. Apple’s next scheduled announcement is for the new generation iPhone. With that in mind, that may be when the company lifts the veil off the new Watch cases. (Source: iHelp BR via The Verge)

Apple Watch To Get Titanium And Ceramic Options - 40